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The Wonderful Team

Our organization lives up to its namesake due in large part to the vast experience, expertise, and leadership that our Wonderful team exemplifies. Under the guidance of our top executives, we’ve transformed our business into a world-class enterprise.

Wonderful Real Estate Team

Joe Vargas


John Guinn

Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer

Jason Gremillion

Senior Vice President, Development

Erin Poulson Morris

Senior Director, Business Development and Marketing

Jennifer Allen

Coordinator, Wonderful Real Estate

Jed Hwang

Senior Director, Real Estate Strategy

Unique Lopez

Associate Planner

Capital Projects Team

Eric Johnson

Senior Vice President, Capital Projects

Tracy Burns-Lusich


Nick Tenhaeff

Senior Project Manager

Joe Guzman

Project Manager

Anthony Monroy

Assistant Construction Manager

Randy Martens

General Construction Superintendent

Property management Team

Todd Bomberg

Vice President, Commercial Real Estate

Jose Alanis

Senior Property Manager

Mauricio Lozano

Facilities Engineer

Carlos Reyes

Building Engineer

Melissa Mationg

Administrative Assistant

Have Questions?

We’re Here to Help

Whenever you have questions, consider us at your service. We’re committed to providing you with answers in a comprehensive and timely manner to ensure that you get all the information you need.